Apart from an option in a DMA Cube menu which shows client connections and is not very accurate because it reports connections which are closed and not active (and some users appear to have like 10 different sessions opened), is there any way to check if the displayed sessions are really open, or at least being able to force the disconnection of the oldest ones so that number of open sessions is under control? Even when you try to force the termination of a session (close the IE Cube or standalone Cube app) it does not make any difference and the session continues to be visible and virtually open "forever" on DMA sessions list.
How can we force a close of client connections and refresh the list of sessions to be correct in DMA?
Connections from clients that don't exist anymore should automatically be cleaned up.
There are a few settings to fine-tune this so you can check if those are correctly configured (All settings can be checked with the SLNetClientTestTool under Advanced -> Options -> SLNet Options)
AutoDisconnectTime: Time in seconds of how long we wait until we consider a client as Disconnected (default = 120, so 2 minutes).
CheckClientConnectionsInterval: Time in seconds of how frequently we clean up connections that are considered Disconnected (default = 10).
If these are using the default values (or logical values) and the connections keep lingering there, there is a bug somewhere we will need to investigate (there might be some info about in in the SLNet Logging?).
Note in SLNet ClientTestTool kill connections in Advanced -> Kill Client.
But that's still one by one I'm afraid.

You can also use an automation script to do this
With the new GetInfoMessage(InfoType.ClientList) you can get a list of users (this returns LoginInfoResponseMessage objects
and then kill the client using:
new DiagnoseMessage(DiagnoseMessageType.KillClient, responseMessage.ConnectionID.ToString())
Thank you for your reply. It appears that only viable option is then to use a ClientTestTool, which (unfortunately, I have to say) is not very convenient. Option would be to improve DMA Cube app with same session administration functionality which would be available for “regular” and/or admin users. Do you foresee such an improvement as feasible in the near future?