Hello all,
We have been encountering the following DMS errors in several systems. We believe they are caused by installing a solution package containing upgrades to protocols, automation scripts, and dashboards.
2024/01/09 19:11:47.040|SLDMS.exe 10.3.2317.2414|3752|15056|CSystem::FileCompare|ERR|-1|Filecompare (C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\skyline.dataminer.core.dataminersystem.common\\lib\net462\Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common.dll) failed to receive CRC from source 0x8004022dh Failed. 2024/01/09 19:11:47.042|SLDMS.exe 10.3.2317.2414|3752|15056|CSystem::FileCompare|ERR|-1|Filecompare (C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\skyline.dataminer.core.dataminersystem.protocol\\lib\net462\Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Protocol.dll) failed to receive CRC from source 0x8004022dh Failed. 2024/01/09 19:11:47.045|SLDMS.exe 10.3.2317.2414|3752|15056|CSystem::FileCompare|ERR|-1|Filecompare (C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts\newtonsoft.json\13.0.2\lib\net45\) failed to receive CRC from source 0x8004022dh Failed.
In this particular case, these errors were seen on a 2 DMA system. The DMA where the package was executed on does not have these errors. It's on the other DMA where the package was not explicitly ran where we see these errors.
Does anybody know what they mean and what would cause them?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Thomas
I don't know why this issue occurs, but I notice that those DLLs are on the wrong location. Those are from NuGet packages and should normally be in the DllImport folder inside the ProtocolScripts folder.
Which DataMiner versions are you running and how do you create the solution package? Cause if you work with the install script, make sure you're on the latest version of the AppPackageInstaller NuGet.

Hi Michiel, Thanks for the reply.
We have been using the latest version of the AppPackageInstaller NuGet and still observe the errors.
As mentioned in the reply to Pedro, running the package on a newer version seems to eliminate the issue which potentially suggests a bug that has since been fixed.