Hi Dojo
Could someone assist me in displaying the count of alarms, grouped by alarm types, for a particular view or saved alarm filter on a dashboard?
Now, this has been tested using a grid component, but if there's another method available, that's also ok.
Image serving as an illustration of the desired appearance
We can filter alarms by severity and display each view in the grid, showing the overall alarm color based on the selected alarm state in the Get views function. However, we're currently unable to integrate this with the count of alarms per alarm type.
Thank you for the assistance!
Hi Justien,
The grid component can be used to display the different views with the amount of alarms per severity level.
To gather that information you could opt for an ad hoc GQI datasource which calculates the amount of alarms per severity level. Following data source could be a good starting point for what you want to achieve: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/SLC-GQIDS-HighestSeverityAlarmCountPerView
Best regards, Ward

Hi Ward
That certainly sets us on the right path. Much appreciated for your assistance!
Kind regards