Good Afternoon Team.
Struggling to load MIB files for a device -MIB browser fails asking for RFC1212 but it appears to have loaded it in the tree - are there any further steps we need to take ?
Thanks for your time
Hi Steve,
Check if there is not a typo on Novella mib, as it seem to be asking for RFC1212 but you have RFC1212-MIB loaded.
Otherwise attach the files so we can take a better look.
Hey Jorge.
Appreciate the prompt response, I will send you the original files - I have tried a number of changes to the .mib as they are only text files. Our goto MIB browser is MGSoft and the files loaded and compiled without issue in that browser ?
It is quite conceivable that I am doing something wrong as I am no expert but I did try a number of changes before reaching out.
As discussed, NOVELLA mib in line 7 refers to ‘RFC1212’ while it should be ‘RFC1212-MIB’.