Currently DataMiner supports NTLM method for SMTP server. Can TLS 1.2 be used for the login authentication instead?
If it's not supported, are there any plans to add support for TLS in the future?

Hello Seppe,
Thanks for the update.
In that case does DataMiner support TLS encryption?
I believe for login authentication method i can set it to "auto" with correct username and password and it should work.

Hi Daud,
According to what I can find in the documentation, it is possible to configure DataMiner to use TLS through the hostport setting (note that SSL and TLS are often used interchangeably):
Hi Daud,
TLS and authentication are 2 separate things. Authentication is the process of proving you are who you claim to be, while TLS is a protocol used to encrypt communication. These 2 things can happen independently of each other, meaning you can use any authentication protocol on top of a TLS protected connection towards the SMTP server.
So, are you asking if DataMiner is capable of connecting to an SMTPS server (regardless of the authentication method used)?
It could also be that you are confusing TLS with certificates and that you are asking if DataMiner supports authentication by so called client certificates?
Kind regards,