Hi Dojo,
We have been observing multiple instances of the log file being empty on restart of an element (DM version
In this case, the element log remains empty even after refresh. We've found that switching the log level to development logging, refreshing, and switching back to no logging solves the issue temporarily. But it keeps randomly coming back.
This is on a cluster system, with 9 running DMAs and this element is active on multiple of them:
We've also observed that there appears to be a sync issue among these elements, for example on one dma (FTBC-DMA-0P) we have production version
While on the other (FTBC-DMA-1P) we have a different production version despite it being the same element ID:
Is this logging problem a known issue or is this related to syncing issues across multiple DMAs?
Is it good practice/normal to have multiple replicated active elements across different servers? Is this expected behavior for having multiple "duplicate" elements (same element ID) active at the same time?
Hi Alex,
This is a problem that has been resolved in DataMiner 10.1.11 under release note 84.

Thanks for the speedy response! We are upgrading soon and will be sure keep an eye out to make sure that this is fixed!