Hello team,
I was wondering exactly what triggers this message. I have set up connection strings to and from all the DMAs in the cluster and this pop-up occurs quite frequently.
Hey Ryan,
These pop up boxes get thrown based on the DataMinerExtendedStateEvent sent by server to the client. These events contain the info on the state and the reason for the change.
The disconnected state gets thrown when the connection between dma agents is refused or destroyed. Losing connections can happen for a lot of reasons. When a connection gets destroyed (and the message thrown) the reason for the disconnect should be logged in the SLNet-Logging. Look for "Closing DMA Connection"
I was able to find the SLNet logging indicated above.
2021-11-04 11:22:34.523|35|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (Local SLNet): DMA 162181 -> Unknown [last known: Running] / Disconnected (Failed handling message)
2021-11-04 11:22:34.539|1002|DmaConnections|Closing DMA Connection FTCBC-DMA-4F: Lost or closed connection
2021-11-04 11:22:34.539|1002|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (Local SLNet): New DataMiner state: 162181 -> NotRunning
2021-11-04 11:22:34.539|149|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (SLDMS.exe): SLNetCOM -> IP DMS/0/7
2021-11-04 11:22:34.539|149|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (SLDMS.exe): -> Agents (IP Removed) (dest DMS): 0/7/32 c:\Skyline DataMiner\Configurations\JSON\067194a2-... Array(2)[IP Removed;2021-11-04 11:22:34#539]
2021-11-04 11:22:34.539|1002|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (Local SLNet): DMA 162181 -> Unknown [last known: Running] / Disconnected (Lost or closed connection)
2021-11-04 11:22:34.539|1201|Facade.HandleMessage|Incoming (SLAnalytics): Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.ManagerStoreReadRequest`1[Skyline.DataMiner.Net.SLConfiguration.Configuration]
2021-11-04 11:22:34.539|1002|DmaConnections|Clearing all cached events for IP Removed (162181): Lost or closed connection
We are wondering if there is a way to debug this further and find out what is causing the disconnects. We have port monitoring set up between the DMA’s and the disconnections do not match up.
Some questions that might help us:
- What is the timing for a lost connection message?
- What is the type of these messages UDP, TCP?
- How long will DataMiner wait for a message before it declares it lost?
- Does DataMiner try to do any retries on these messages before they are declared lost and a message generated?
Sorry to hijack this thread, but is there a way to stop the popup appearing on certain users/Cube instances?
We have a critical control screen and the acknowledge button pops up very close to our control screen buttons