Recently I've had several customers ask me about retrieving information events via the DataMiner api. I do see we have the GetInformationEvents call but it seems to always return an empty array. Anyone familiar with the proper syntax here?
I'm assuming here I need to use Epoch time for the start and end times.
All timestamps used in the API are the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since midnight on January 1, 1970, UTC. So you have to multiply your Unix epoch timestamps with 1000.
Hi Wim,
I tried myself and I am getting the same result (an empty array). I used the following request:
“utcStartTime”: 0,
“utcEndTime”: 1633417118000
The value 1633417118 corresponds to today (Tuesday, October 5, 2021 8:58:38 AM GMT+02:00 DST). I multiplied the value times 1000.
There’s indeed an issue with this method. We’ll do our best to get this fixed asap.
Awesome, thanks Wim! GetHistoryAlarmsForElement may work for now by filtering for severity ‘Information’ and Alarm Type ‘New Alarm’
Wim, thanks for the speedy reply. I’ve tried on two different systems and still get the same empty array. I will keep trying but curious if there isn’t some other limitation here I’m not aware of.