I would like to propose the display of a heat map for a Datacenter application, based on some temperature sensor data we would collect. Is this something we could do with MS Visio based visuals and gradients, or a Dashboard component ?
Hi Jonathan,
This is possible using visual overview, but it will not be as nice as in the example drawing you showed. It will be more like blocks based on the measured temperature per sensor. In order to do this, you would need a driver with a table that indicates the temperature and location in x/y coordinates of each temperature sensor. Then you can use dynamic positioning with semi-transparent shapes to put an overlay over the floorplan drawing. For more information on dynamic positioning in visual overview, you can take a look at the help, or at the training video's on dynamic positioning (basic or advanced).

Hi Jonathan, linear and circular gradients are supported. Remember that you will need to use the “NoAlarmColorFill” option to use the gradients as defined in the visio file. Although it may take some tuning to get the gradient settings right, you can probably get a long way with gradient shapes without need for an app that calculates every pixel.
Thanks a lot Michiel, much appreciated. Yes indeed the temperature values + locations should be available in a tabular format. Could you please confirm whether we support gradient coloring of shapes ?
I was also thinking of an app that would compute the gradients first, and define the color value of each pixel, and then apply this to a semi transparent visio shape.