Hi Dojo,
I have created a dashboard with the purpose of accesing it from a mobile phone but the components look messy and lined in a single column. The same with the desktop view. I have tried Chrome and Safari.
Is there any way to view it right or should I make a specific version for mobile?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Manuel,
You don't have to make a different version, the objective is that the layout adapts automatically to the available screen real estate. So the same dashboard should be useable on desktop and phone.
But granted that this is not always the case, and we need to dedicate more development time to address this specific point (i.e. we can improve on this). But for now, I would advise to try to change the layout to try to make it work, or indeed create a different version for mobile. I have made dashboards that worked well on both desktop and mobile, and others indeed are not handled properly on mobile. I guess it depends a bit on what you have on there. What kind of components are you using?

No problem. And we will definitely further improve on this. If you can keep the dashboard, or a copy of it, and if your DataMiner platform is cloud-connected, feel free to share it with me (ben.vandenberghe@skyline.be) so we can have a look at it.
Hi Ben,
I’m using gauge components with trending and alarm console feeded by a drop-down. I have several of this groups named with empty blocks.
I’ll try to redo it by using the grouping component and see how is going.
Thanks for your reply!