Hello everyone,
We're looking to start customizing the Automatic Incident Tracking configuration to assist our users in finding linked alarms to an incident.
I've come across a configuration in the documentation meant to achieve this, but there's a specific parameter I do not understand.
We want to use an element property named "Station" and automatically fill it from the Equipment location. So we need to replace "property_name" by "element.station"
In the documentation, we found the following:
<item type="skyline::dataminer::analytics::workers::configuration::GenericElementPropertyVisitorConfiguration"> <enable>true</enable> <threshold>[THRESHOLD]</threshold> <name>[PROPERTY_NAME]</name> </item>
There's a threshold value (for example, a found value of 0.75 in a configuration of our DMA),
However, when this property's value is text, I don't understand why we need to set a threshold.
Is it to evaluate the accuracy of the comparison in case of partial correspondence ?
How can we use it?
Thanks in advance for your help

Hi Micol,
This is clear.
Thank you for your explanations
Can i ask you some advice concerning a specific usecase ?
Our goal is to group alarms into an incident based on multiple things (element property, view name,...)
By example : group every alarms based on element location (like station name set into element property), rack position (set into the view name) and the time when the alarm is triggered. How can we achieve that ? Is it possible with Automatic incident tracking feature ?

Yes, Automatic Incident Tracking is able to group alarms based on all those reasons (and many more!). After configuring the element property as mentioned above, the algorithm will work out of the box by covering all the other things you mentioned. This will offer you a great starting point for your operation and I suggest you just start from there and see what you get.
One must keep in mind, however, that the algorithm has to process several sources of information, a certain amount of statistics is involved and the resulting groups might not always be exactly what you had in mind.
No worries though, if you realize you are not fully happy with the generated groups, there are several options that can help you stir the grouping in the desired direction. Looking at your example the following comes to mind:
1. The maximum time interval between alarms is set by default to 10 minutes. You might want to set it to a lower value to achieve smaller groups, or to a higher value for bigger groups. This can be done via Cube.
2. Grouping on views is subject to a similar threshold as the one for element properties. You can change that in the same XML configuration file. Also keep in mind that Automatic Incident Tracking is fully compatible with the IDP solution. If that is deployed on your system, rack location will be automatically taken into account, no need to encode that information into the view name.
I also suggest you explore all other customizable options. A detailed summary can be found at https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Alarms/Working_with_alarms/Advanced_analytics_features/Automatic_incident_tracking.html.
May be the property name need to be like : [PROPERTY:ELEMENT:Station] ?