is it possible have an custom operator go through all rows of an query and then return an completely new set of rows based on that?
Use case is as follows, i've got an table with an json string, i want to return all rows where an certain string matches within that json. This can be one row, this can be 50 rows.
Then i would to feed all the json of those rows into some logic, and return based on an setting in the custom operator a bunch of nodes or edges.
Hi Gerwin,
You could create a new column in the custom operator that allows you to identify the rows you are interested on. For example, the new column can contain the value of the node or the edge parsed from the JSON.
As for the removal of the rows, you can use GQI Filter method to remove the rows that didn't give you a result in the new column you created, or you can use the method row.Delete() as this example does: SLC-GQIO-SkipX/SkipX_1/SkipX_1.cs at main · SkylineCommunications/SLC-GQIO-SkipX (github.com)