Hi Dojo,
I have been recently reviewing a potential Dataminer solution which includes a high volume of Correlation Rules. I have reservations about this design due to what I suspect would be a performance impact due to the volume of rules. There can be ways to reduce the volume of correlation rules and complexity with additional development.
Do we have any Correlation Engine benchmarks or limit guidelines which could be used for a reference here? I appreciate that this could be challenging to provide as performance is dependent on a number of factors unique to each system.

Great question Jason.
DataMiner metrics | DataMiner Docs does not have a metric for correlation rules as this is very much depending on the system. How many alarms are being created on the system in a hour? What filtering do you have on your correlation rules? what actions do they execute? ...
Do you have more details on your solution that you can share? Also, feel free to reach out to me directly pieter.van.compernolle@skyline.be or to support.data-core@skyline.be
Besides that, I'm very much interested to hear experiences from the community on this matter as well. Anyone that wants to share some metrics/experiences?
Hi Jason,
I see that this question has been inactive for a long time. Do you still need more information about this? If not, could you select the answer to indicate that no further action is needed here?