Hello everyone!
Could someone help me with regards to using a User-Defined API. I would like to create a Front-End in HTML that would access it to do CRUD, but I tried to access it using a Web App component via Low-Code App and it doesn't seem to work (not even the CSS styling I did) and direct access is not allowed due to CORS blocking (according to the documentation it is not possible to configure it). How should I make my front-end so that it can consume this API?
I thank everyone in advance for their attention!
Hi João,
Triggering a User-Defined API directly from your front-end is indeed not possible due to CORS, this is a safety measure because it is not possible to keep your API key safe in a front-end, we advise to always have a back-end which does the API requests and interacts with the front-end.
The Web component in Low-Code Apps is configured to block the use of scripts, buttons or input components, which explains why that is not working either.
I would suggest to make an Interactive Automation Script. You can build a UI which can be executed from a Low-Code App, and you can do the actions that your User-Defined API does, directly in the script itself.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you would have any further questions!
Hi again Wouter, hope you're doing well! We decided to use a visio view in a element as a front-end, using the url of our dataminer where the html page is saved, and it worked as intended. Thank you for your help!
Hi Wouter, thank you for your help, we will try it and i let you know if it worked!