Hi Dojo,
I've noticed a strange concatenation of the display key in an alarm:
Alarm in the console:
It appears it has concatenated the description of a few columns. Any idea what could have caused this? I know the connector uses the old displayColumn attribute but I doubt that this would cause issues like this.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Timothy,
At first sight, it looks like possibly the word "Description" in the column header is replaced by the row key in the alarm description. If you have access to the connecter, can you try renaming the column "In 3 Description" to e.g. "In 3 Label" and check if this issue still occurs? In any case, please create a software issue for our support team to investigate.

I tested that but it didn’t improve the situation. But in the meantime I noticed that the issue occurred in 10.2.0 – CU7. I’ve tested it in and it’s working as expected.