I am using GetParameterMessage to get all rows/data related to a table, but this table has more than one page in DMA. When I get the response, it just retrieves the rows that are on the first page. How can I get all the rows from the other pages?
Thank you!

As this question has now been inactive for a long time, I will close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
You can use the GetPartialTableMesssage instead of GetParameterMessage. This allows you add the option "forceFullTable=true" (add to the Filter property).
I will repeat after Jarno and suggest against using these SLNet messages directly in code. If the main goal is to use Client Test Tools to view the table, it should work with this message. If you are trying to implement this logic in a driver or script, please take a look at the alternatives from Jarno instead.
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