Hi community,
I use Skylines dotnet cicd tools for maintaining my catalog.
I would like to use the deploy action, but the latest beta of dataminer catalog upload does not return an artifaction ID after a successful upload command (can find the uploaded version in the catalog).
How to solve?
My command:
echo id=$(dataminer-catalog-upload with-registration --path-to-artifact "/path/to/some.dmapp --dm-catalog-token *** --catalog-identifier "some-uuid" --artifact-version "some version") >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
Hi Felix
Beta version (or pre-releases) are not advised to be used. Those are versions that we use for testing and seeing if everything is working. We are currently working on the Catalog Upload tool, so I would suggest to stick to the latest released version which is currently version 2.0.2

That is currently not supported yet but it is what we are working on. In the upcoming weeks we’ll release a new version of the Catalog Upload tool (do note that it will be a major change as the API behind it is different).
Instead of the catalog-identifier option, with v2.0.2 the uri-source code is currently being used as there is an internal mapping table to link it to the correct catalog item.

Not sure how the internal mapping works, but I’ve cannot see a version update when using uri-sourcecode and the id is empty too: echo id=$(dataminer-catalog-upload with-registration –path-to-artifact “${{ github.workspace }}/${{ steps.packageName.outputs.name }}.dmapp” –dm-catalog-token ${{ secrets.API_TOKEN }} –uri-sourcecode “${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}” –artifact-version “${{ env.VERSION }}”) >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
returns empty id

Does the console show any error/logging that could give an indication something went wrong? Also, not sure how much impact it will have, but in our flows we have double quotes around the id=… part: https://github.com/SkylineCommunications/_ReusableWorkflows/blob/main/.github/workflows/AutomationMasterSDKWorkflow.yml

Same with double quotes:
outputs: {
outcome: success,
conclusion: success
No error in the upload part, only the deploy action fails because of empty artifact-id.
Run dataminer-package-deploy from-catalog –artifact-id “” –dm-catalog-token ***
[06:52:17 FTL] System.InvalidOperationException: The deploy API returned a response with status code BadRequest, content: {“type”:”https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/400″,”title”:”Error with reason InvalidArtifactId occurred”,”status”:400,”traceId”:”00-d26ec5d53f2f83408497423e48122279-625b8c98eeef30c1-00″,”errorCode”:10050,”artifactId”:””}
Hi Michiel,
but V2.0.2 does not accept –catalog-identifier
How to work with a specific catalog-identifier in V2.0.2?
Or is there any other way to get the artifact ID? when I try to deploy with catalogID or azureStorageID it fails with “Error with reason ArtifactNotFound occurred”.