Hi Community,
We would like to post a new notification in a MS Teams channel when a certain activity happens in a cloud connected DMS. Basically an automation script will use the ChatOps extensions to send a notification to a channel.
This works great!
chatIntegrationHelper.Teams.TrySendChannelNotification(teamId, channelId, notification);
Question on the notification itself: the notification is currently a plain string, would it be possible to pass along an AdaptiveCard (Teams style) or other format to present a nicer notification?
Thanks in advance!
Currently for Chat Integration only text is supported. This would be something Domain Cloud Ecosystem could implement but it's not planned on our road map right now.
(For Custom Command it is possible to use Adaptive Cards already.)

That indeed might work. But note Teams is not very consistent in supporting everything across different platforms (desktop, Android, IOS). See their support for text message formatting here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/how-to/format-your-bot-messages#format-text-content
Note: for anyone trying to create a chat or channel notification, it’s possible to use HTML tags to have a nice formatted message.
E.g. h2-tag to create a title, br-tag for a newline etc.
Is this something intended? Should we add it to the docs to indicate that this is possible?