Hello Dojo community,
Is it possible the change the margin spacing in a Maps PopupSkeleton?
Maria Cunha [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 2nd April 2024
Hi Maria,
This is not something that can be changed, the values are fixed to 14px vertically and 20px horizontally. Is this something you would need to customize for your use case?
Note: It is possible to use negative margins on the popup content itself, however that could break the layout if we ever change the default margins. (The chance that we ever do is very low)
Wout Mahieu [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Edited answer 2nd April 2024

Hi Wout,
The client has the maps displayed in a visio that contains more information than just the maps and. From the image in the post, we can’t see the whole popup. Reducing the margins will help solve the problem.