I've created an adhoc datasource using some slnet messages. However i get the following error on one agent:
Error trapped: Error thrown in implementation of GetNextPage: Failed to connect to Problem communicating with Unable to connect to the remote server
Is there an way to tackle this kind of issues before hand?
What i do is get all agents and then get the dmaid for each failoverpair:
var agents = _dms.SendMessages(new GetInfoMessage(InfoType.FailoverConfig)).OfType<FailoverConfigMessage>().First();
foreach (var agent in agents.Agents)
Then i get licence info for that agent in an function:
var activelicense = _dms.SendMessages(new GetInfoMessage(dmaid, InfoType.ActivatedLicenseCounters)).OfType<GetActivatedLicenseCountersResponseMessage>().First();
However when SLNET is not responding i get the above error. How can i catch that error?
Using client test tool i found out that the agent was having the ismissing flag as true. Implemented extra check to skip it.