I just saw this warning at the release notes:
This is a breaking change. Make sure that none of the protocols in your system is using the following deprecated Notify types:
Is there an overview which drivers are compatible with which version? Without having to open al protocols and go review them if they are using those calls?
Hi Gerwin,
I assume that you are referring to this note in the 10.3.4 Release Notes.
For part of these, an extra ValidateConnectors prerequisite check is part of the upgrade packages that will prevent upgrading if one of the known involved drivers is present on the system (ID_35605). More specifically: NT_GET_PARAMETER_BY_DATA, NT_SET_PARAMETER_BY_DATA, NT_GET_ITEM_DATA, NT_SET_ITEM_DATA
For the others, there is no list available.
DMS_GET_INFO does have an updated implementation that provides backwards compatibility, so should not be worried about.
The remaining ones are not typically used from protocols.