Hi Dojo,
I would like to reach to one of my Dataminer servers via HTTP and call this method.
Can you suggest whats the structure of HTTP requests.
First you'll have to get a connection id, by calling the ConnectApp web method:
With this connection id, you can execute the GetElementsForProtocol method:
Note that the "Content-Type" HTTP header of the request should be set to "application/json" (Postman does this automatically when choosing JSON).
More info of the web methods can be found on https://aka.dataminer.services/WebServicesRefGuide.
The url would be: http://10.x.x.x/API/v1/Json.asmx/ConnectApp
It’s advised to use secure https as otherwise it will send username/password unencrypted over the network.
is the json.asmx default in the request?
My request is getting a timed out error.
So does that mean there is no connection allowed to the DNMA server im trying to access
Could be – are you allowed to make checks at network level?
Imagine I have a server with IP 10.x.x.x.
how does the API looks to call the connectapp method?