Good morning
We use the Microsoft platform SNMP driver for monitoring Windows 10 client.
Apparently, windows will no longer offer the SNMP function in the future. The WMI interface from Windwos is considered by our IT specialists to be very resource consuming.
From Dataminer's point of view, what is the best interface for monitoring a Windows 10 client?
Kind regards
Like Kevin mentioned, today WMI and SNMP are the two main ways to retrieve parameters from a Windows machine. However there's also another (and even more secure) way of retrieving the same data as WMI, that's via WinRM.
WinRM stands for 'Windows Remote Management'. Where WMI uses DCOM/RPC to get system objects from a machine, WinRM uses a more firewall-friendly XML/SOAP protocol to retrieve exactly the same data from the same repos with the same queries.
Two interesting websites regarding this topic:
If a DataMiner protocol/connector uses WMI, the core DataMiner software uses DCOM to retrieve that info. We're currently in the process of identifying whether it would be beneficial to support WinRM as well. Stay tuned ! 😉
Finally to answer your question, I'm not sure if WinRM is less resource consuming compared to WMI...

WinRM is indeed fairly ‘recent’. WinRM 3.0 is only by default included as from Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
Hi Jochen, thanks a lot for your feedback. I will check with our Windows specialists to see if WINRm is a viable solution. Until now I have never heard of WINRm. Probably a long term solution. Kind regards Stefan