Use case:
- I have my Dataminer saving Full Backups periodically (incl. DB)
- For some reason, I want to recover only the state of a given element, or elements, from one of last backup files.
How can I do this? Dataminer must have a straightforward way to do it but I can't find it. Can you please help?
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 18th July 2023
Hi Paulo,
If you manually copied over the Skyline Dataminer/Elements folder from the archive into the installation folder, and restart the DMA, I believe the DMA would start up and take the element settings (including the state).
If that is too broad for your needs, a tool could be developed to do it, I'm sure.
Paulo Henriques [SLC] [DevOps Member] Posted new comment 6th October 2021

Hi Rodrigo, that wouldn’t work. By “state” I mean not only the element settings but all its data (tables, trending, alarms, visios, etc.). The use-case is: restore an element from a backup file.
And my point was not about having or making some tool or script to workaround this but the lack of an essential feature in the backup & restore of Dataminer.