We use AWS media services for ingestion the video and signal processing.
Is this possible to integrated AWS media services with Dataminer.
My Set up is for Live Streaming-
AWS Media Live-----> AWS Media Packager----> AWS CloudFront
Apart from this, we use AWS Cloudwatch to access the logs and wanted to integrate these services with Dataminer.
Could you please help me on this?
Hi Punit,
You can integrate those directly with DataMiner using different methods - through cloudwatch, function APIs, but also services like Kinesis or SNS - you can even combine data collection methods, here's an example for the MediaConnect integration - Catalog (dataminer.services)
Below some other examples. Let us know if you need further information on these.
Use case with MediaConnect, MediaLive, MediaPackage
Process Automation Use Case - Monitoring AWS Media Services - DataMiner Dojo
MediaLive connector
Amazon AWS Elemental MediaLive - DataMiner Dojo
Catalog (dataminer.services)
MediaConnect connector
AWS MediaConnect - DataMiner Dojo
Which driver to use to interface with AWS MediaConnect? - DataMiner Dojo
An example of Kinesis as producer - AWS Kinesis - DataMiner Dojo

Thanks Bruno for your kind support.
As you shared the link, this is very helpful to understand and got the understanding.
I am new on this setup and wanted to understand from scratch level.
Could you please provide the documentation link for this AWS live streaming set up, so I can go through it and integrate AWS services with dataminer.