Hello Dojo community ,
I would like to know if it is possible to create an automation script that would import files from a AWS S3 bucket and into Dataminer documents module ? Is there any particular namespace or method that I can utilize for that ? The script would only import the files when the execute button is triggered in the automation script module. Thank you
Hi, in an automation script you have the flexibility of running any C# code. In this case I think it's preferred to make use of the API methods provided by Amazon AWS itself.
Some code examples can be found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-net/v3/developer-guide/csharp_s3_code_examples.html. To be able to use these classes you'll need to import the Amazon AWS S3 NuGet package. This can easiest being done using DIS: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/TOOLS/NuGet/Consuming_NuGet.html.
Another approach is to use a connector that performs the communication between DataMiner and AWS S3. This is actually the opposite of what was being asked here (uploading files to AWS S3), for which we already have such connector.
Thank you for the helpful information !