Does anyone know how to work with the AutoIncrementFieldDescriptor in the DOM editor?
Don't know what has to filled in as ID format and Auto Incrementer ID?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards
Hi Justien,
The ID Format should let you format how your auto increment value is displayed. You can use the syntax from the String.Format method. If no formatting is needed, you can just leave this empty.
The Auto Incrementer ID is a reference to an AutoIncrementer. If you don't have one yet, you can leave the GUID that the wizard proposes and it will generate a new one. If you want to reuse an existing one, you can fill in its GUID here.
Basically you can leave the default values if you don't require anything special.
Hope this helps.

Hi Justien, there is unfortunately an issue right now that indeed prevents you from creating an AutoIncrementFieldDescriptor via the DOM editor. This field descriptor is also not correctly supported yet in the low-code app form. A task for this is already present and on the backlog (DCP211119). The workaround is to add this FieldDescriptor via a script. Let me know if you would like some example code.

Hi Thomas, thank you for the information. I let you know if I would like to use the example code. 🙂
Hi Wouter
Thank you for your help.
For me it’s not working when I use the default values.
I get the following error: ErrorReason: FieldTypeNotSupported, SectionDefinition: CustomSectionDefinition[General Asset Inforamtion, a43d810a-3db2-4e45-9652-4869afea5dcb], SupportedTypes: System.String.