is it possible to create audible alerts with the dashboards or low code apps?
Hi Gerwin,
This is not yet available, but there is an open feature suggestion for it. If this topic gets enough support, we can consider putting it on our roadmap.
While this is not something you can do through a Low Code App as Sebastiaan mentioned, you can do audible alerts through the Skyline Communications Alerter application. You can download the tool at https://[DMA_IP]/root/tools.
From there you can use the Alerter to generate audible alarms. For full details of the Alerter, check out: Accessing Alerter | DataMiner Docs.
I know it's not exactly what you wanted, but perhaps could still be useful!

Interesting use case! Until the LCA supports the alert, another idea would be to have some sort of API on the Pi side that could then be triggered from DataMiner via a correlation rule and C#. To minimize coding for the Pi, you could consider using something like Node-RED and a sound triggering node like this one: https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-play-sound. Just thinking out loud. Good luck!

Yes, another option can be having VLC with the HTTP/Telnet interface enabled. But i was hoping on a less work to setup way.
We use the alerter in some places indeed. However i’m looking into getting a simple dashboard on for instance an Raspberry pi to just display some information on the system on a separate system with option to sound an alarm when needed.