According to the DataMiner Mediation Layer Help, a protocol can be created to place a different view on an element, so different protocols can have the same look and feel and can generally be used by automation and correlation.
Such a protocol appears in the Protocols & Templates app between the other protocols.
-Is it the intention that an element can be created that directly uses such a mediation protocol? This is currently allowed by the UI.
-Alarm and trend templates can also be created for a mediation protocol: Is this also the intention? If so, how can such an alarm template be assigned to a real element that uses a different protocol?
Hi Laurens,
As far as I am aware mediation is meant to be used in conjunction with other protocols to provide a uniform look to a particular application a set of products can handle. It is not designed to be used on its own.
It is supposed to be a layer on top of something else so for that reason I believe it should not be possible to create elements directly from such a type especially since it is also not supposed to have communication defined in it (see Creating a base protocol where it mentions it is virtual protocol)
Regarding the second part of your question, I am afraid I do not have personal experience with it, so I am unable to help.