I'm trying to connect to our PreProd Azure but after each restart of DM or server the clientSecret reverts back to clientSecret of Prod Azure. Although the rest of information such as tenantId, objectId and clientId remains for PreProd.
So I'm wondering if clientSecret is saved in another file apart from DataMiner.xml and I need to change it in another place.
Or if you have any other solution, I'll be glad to try.
Hi Ladan,
As the client secret is sensitive data, we do not store this plain text in the DataMiner.xml file. Instead there is a file with encrypted values that is used for storing this type of data.
During start up the DMA will read out the value and check whether it matches a sensitive data placeholder.
If it does, the value will be decrypted from that safe storage.
If it does not, then we interpret this as a new value and save this in said safe storage.
In this case, something may be going wrong with encrypting the new value, thus leading to the previous value being read from the safe storage.
Would it be possible to try the following steps?
- Stop the DataMiner Agent, you can verify that everything is properly stopped by checking the processes in the task manager. Only SLWatchdog should still be running out of all the SL* processes.
Note: If it is part of a failover pair, both agents need to be stopped and all subsequent steps applied to both agents. - Using the file explorer browse to and open "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files\SyncInfo\{DO_NOT_REMOVE_32D5A837-E15E-4104-A37F-CBF6ED139620}.xml". Within this file remove the <Encryption> entries with the following key: {5C104E97-5455-4527-A7EE-C01EBA036496} and save the file.
This will remove the encrypted value that is stored for the client secret. - Now browse to and open "C:\Skyline DataMiner\DataMiner.xml" here you can apply the configuration for your PreProd Azure as you've done before and save the file.
- Restart the DataMiner Agent, restart its buddy as well in case it is part of a failover pair.
Please do let me know if the above has worked for you, if not then we can open a ticket to investigate this more in depth and arrange a session to resolve this.

Hi Ladan,
Can you verify that file spMetadata (root folder) contains the correct entityID?

Hi Jens
They set PreProd entityID same as Prod entityID in Azure.
So the spMetadata is same connecting to PreProd and Prod.
Do you think that’s causing the issue?
I might be missing something. Do you have PreProd and Prod DataMiner Systems? Or Azure tenants?

We have Pre Prod and Prod Azure system.
In order to see what API permissions we need because of restriction at Sky, we connected to PreProd Azure to test connection before applying the permissions to Prod Azure

Just an update on this. I changed Prod Azure entityID to new value which is different from PreProd Azure. But still having same issue. As long as there’s any value inside clientSecret=””, even if it’s one character, it’ll replace that with Prod clientSecret
Hi Simon
Thanks a lot for this tip. Yes it works and I have connection to our pre-prod Azure.
You’re star!