We have a driver that can produce thumbnails of a video stream for us. We're going to be storing the images in the DataMiner Documents folders, although we could save it elsewhere if there's a benefit to doing so.
We also have HTML Apps allowing the user to click through a list of services to see the details, such as KPIs, alarms, etc. We'd like to be able to add a current video thumbnail (perhaps even have it refresh every so often) so the user can also have visual confirmation of the image quality.
The problem we've been unable to figure out is: how do we setup a control in the App that allows us to dynamically define at runtime which thumbnail image belongs to our service? We know which image we need, but we don't know how to define it in the App.
What we've tried:
- Image Control - the image control looks to only support a hardcoded image that first needs to be uploaded.
- HTML Control - the HTML control also has a similar issue in that the HTML you set for the control is fixed, so we don't see a way to provide an input to the HTML to have the proper image shown.
- Parameter Control - we also tried to see if we could build a link to the image in an element so the user could click on the link in a table or in a Parameter control, but this didn't work either.
Are we missing something? Our last thought (which we'd prefer to avoid) is to build what we need in a Visio and show the Visio in the App.
Does anyone else have any other ideas on how to integrate dynamically defined images for an App?
You could use the grid component in combination with GQI for this. This component is behind the ReportsAndDashboardsDynamicVisuals softlaunch flag, and allows you to create you own template, which will be applied on every row of your GQI result.
If you create a query that consumes your table selection as feed and returns the image source as single row, you could link that query to the grid visualization. Its template can be a simple text shape (which allows html as input), with something like <img src="{myGQIColumnNameThatContainsTheURL} ... /> as content. This can then be scaled to fill the component.
The end result would be a component that shows an image based on the selection of you table, and could refresh every X seconds when you link it to a trigger feed.
Of course the link with the table is optional, you could also not apply filtering and show all images in a grid with this component instead.

Thanks Gilles… we’ll give that a try and let you how it goes.