Hi Dojo
We are running a trial of Zabbix Connector to integrate Zabbix and DMA.
However, we stumbled on the first connection with Zabbix.
After activating an element of the Zabbix platform we get the following message
Get for HTTP_RESPONSE_Authentication (status code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK), returned VT_BSTR : {"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32602,"message":"Invalid params.","data":"Invalid parameter \"/\": unexpected parameter \"user\"."},"id":2}
I know what the problem is, in Zabbix 6.4 the "user" param has changed to "username", but I don't know how to solve it.
Is this connector supported?
Zabbix Platform(Connector):
Hi Yuki,
Connector version unfortunately does not support Zabbix V6 since this version is dating from February 2019. The latest available version however -, most likely does not support V6.4 as well. Have you tested this latest version already?
Please also be informed that currently the development of a new connector version is ongoing that should support V6.2 and V7 (1.2.0), and should become available in the Catalog very soon.

Hi Yuki, in the meantime, we have done the necessary to release the new version and is available now in the Catalog (https://catalog.dataminer.services/details/1d14e6c6-6562-4c3b-b392-189519d0651d). Please feel free to give this new version a try!
Thank you, Jordy.
That is the answer I was looking for.
I also checked about and get the same error.
I will wait for the latest version before testing.