Hello I want to use the filter in the alarmtemplate using a wildcard at the end, but NOT at the beginning.
So for instance I want to alarm on this IDX's :
So I wrote in the filter: 100/*, but I also get the numbers: 1100/...., 2100/.... etc.
How can I fix, that I only receive the 100 range?
Is there a prefix I can use?
The filter you're describing should actually exactly do that.
So it might be that you're overseeing something. Are you sure there's no other alarm rule in the template that would catch those unexpected rows? E.g. alarm rule with filter * that would just match everything?
If next to everything that matches 100/* you also like to monitor 100 like you mentioned in your post, you'll need to create an extra alarm rule that just matches exactly 100 with the same thresholds. This can easily be done by duplicating the alarm rule by clicking the + icon and changing the filter.