We noticed that an element which has toggling time-out alarms, is continuously adding the new alarms as well as the associated cleared alarms (type 'dropped') under the same alarm tree (same root alarm id).
We expect the alarm tree to close after the time-out alarm clears.
As we're not able to reproduce, I was wondering if there are any known scenarios where this is the expected behavior?
DataMiner version is 10.0.10
The reason the alarms aren't cleared and the tree isn't closed typically is because of the clearable alarm functionality. Does the DataMiner have the auto clear alarm setting disabled in the MaintenanceSettings.xml by any chance? Note that this can be configured through the alarm template too, but since this is a general parameter it would most likely follow the maintenance alarm settings.
Thanks Davy. On this system, the ‘clearable alarm’ feature was not enabled though. After further checking, we found out that the element was in fact masked during the time the toggling was occurring. In such case, by design the alarm tree remains opened.