What is the syntax of an alarm template condition to match on the specific Propery value ?
I tried to use [properties:Property Value] without success. Does anyone have an example please ?
in the alarm template is it possible for a criticity level (minor, major, ...) to specify the name of a property instead of a threshold value ?
Hi Bernard,
Alarm template conditions can be configured through the UI, so you don't need to worry about the syntax. Element Properties can be accessed via the 'generic' table parameter [properties].
Here's an example where a condition is referring to the property 'Class' and checking against the value 'Gold':
I did noticed an issue though in a recent version that the UI did not save the condition correctly (internal id DCP178966).

This client issue is found and resolved in:
Main Release Version: 10.2.0 [CU1]
Feature Release Version:
Also, the issue did not occur in main release.
more info, see internal RN 32691.
Be aware that there is still a server side issue: https://collaboration.dataminer.services/task/179195
Thanks Pieter,
I guess my problem is related with the DCP ticket you mention.