I want to filter an alarm based on if another column on the same row is empty or not, I only want the alarm to trigger on column A if column B is not empty. How would that condition look?
Hi Robin,
It seems you always need to fill in a value to match against in the condition, an empty string is not allowed. However you can choose 'Not initialized' in the dropdown instead of specifying a value. Maybe that works in your case.
Another approach is to check if the value doesn't match the following regular expression: '^$'.

You can use the wildcard expression ‘?*’: ‘?’ will match any single character, while ‘*’ will match any combination of characters (including no character). Hence ‘?*’ will match any string with at least one character. Since you want an alarm whenever the column B is not empty, you should use ‘does not match wildcard expression’.
I tried ‘Not initialized’ but didn’t work for me.
There is not “matching regex”, only “matches wildcard”.