I'm looking to make an optimized and correct template alarm for a Riedel system.
I would like to know if there is a way to have a template alarm that only gives me an error if 2 SFPs are 100% used.
I would also like to know if it is possible to count the output values and set a template alarm if the value exceeds the total value of 2 SFPs in output, generating an alarm.
Protocol : Riedel Comminucations MedioNetProduction version :
Thank you in advance
Hi Johan,
For the first use case, the one where you want an alarm if 2 SFPs are 100% used. Here the best way is to already create an alarm on a low severity, 'warning' for example, on the 100% usage of the SFP. Then use correlation to escalate the alarms or create an correlation alarm to group the two alarms together via a correlation condition 'count(*) > 1'.
For the second use case, you'll need a new parameter with the sum and then monitor that one. Not sure how exactly your protocol looks like, but maybe About aggregation rules | DataMiner Docs is something you can use (unless you have your SFP parameter inside one element of course).