Question on behalf of a DataMiner user:
Good morning,
As part of our most recent requirement we need to programmatically add files to (and remove files from) Dataminer element document folders.
I thought we would be able to use the NT_ADD_FILE(99) and NT_REMOVE_DOCUMENT (103) NotifyDataminer() options.
The NT_REMOVE_DOCUMENT function looks like it will do what we want, but the NT_ADD_FILE appears to be intended to add new protocol and alarm templates.
I can’t find any other relevant options described in any reference documentation.
What is the recommended method of programmatically adding files to Dataminer documents folders?
I don't know if there's a recommended way of doing this is, but when building our CDMR system phase 1, I used standard windows methods. e.g DirectorytInfo and FileInfo etc.

Good point. Not sure. That wasn’t a requirement at the time I did this.
I think just writing it to the folder will not actually include it in the list of files to sync. So good for standalone agents, but probably not for clusters.