Question on behalf of a DataMiner user:
Good morning,
As part of our most recent requirement we need to programmatically add files to (and remove files from) Dataminer element document folders.
I thought we would be able to use the NT_ADD_FILE(99) and NT_REMOVE_DOCUMENT (103) NotifyDataminer() options.
The NT_REMOVE_DOCUMENT function looks like it will do what we want, but the NT_ADD_FILE appears to be intended to add new protocol and alarm templates.
I can’t find any other relevant options described in any reference documentation.
What is the recommended method of programmatically adding files to Dataminer documents folders?
Hi Ruben,
Similarly to what Simon mentioned, you should be able to add standard C# methods and classes to place the files directly on the filesystem in the desired location and then use the Notify NT_SEND_DMS_FILE_CHANGE (41) | DataMiner Docs
It should instruct the cluster that there is a change in the local filesystem and that it should synchronize it.
Hope this can help.

Hi Ruben,
I am not aware of the particularities of an element’s ‘private’ document but my understanding was that those were only kept locally and ‘regular’ ones would be synchronized across the cluster.
I don't know if there's a recommended way of doing this is, but when building our CDMR system phase 1, I used standard windows methods. e.g DirectorytInfo and FileInfo etc.
I think just writing it to the folder will not actually include it in the list of files to sync. So good for standalone agents, but probably not for clusters.

Good point. Not sure. That wasn’t a requirement at the time I did this.
Follow-up question: How would that work in case of a document that’s tied to an element, so not a global one? When done through Cube, It seems DataMiner is storing the actual file on one agent (as expected), and then creates + syncs a 1kB reference file throughout the cluster. How would that work when done programmatically?