When I check the Telestream SPG9000 connector version (https://catalog.dataminer.services/details/a39f7302-f6e4-4e03-b1e8-ef9f559c8fd9), there is much less information compared to the device's Web page.
The following detailed status and settings are required for Video over IP systems.
PTP, GNSS, IP Stream test signals.
Are there any plans to support these in the near future?
If yes, do you plan to link it to the "PTP app"?
Hi Hideaki,
Only GNSS got implemented in this initial version, as only GNSS was used in the project for which this connector got developed. PTP/SDI/IP were not installed, so implementing these would therefore not bring any value to the customer's use case at that time. Of course, the connector could be further expanded dependent on the use cases and needs of the user.
Thank you for your explanation.
There are users interested in this connector. I will tell them that It is possible to further expand the functionality.