When I try to change the parameters of Neuron using "Neuron NAP - COMPRESS connector", the following message is displayed and the parameters cannot be changed.
I was able to change the parameters by doing the following:
1. Click the Cancel Polling button on the General > Debug page.
2. Verify that the "polling status" parameter is idle.
3. Change the parameters.
Is this operation correct?
Please tell me if there Is another way.
When I click [Cancel Polling] button, the pause time is about 10 seconds.
If this operation is correct and there is no another way, this is a very short pause time for a parameter change operation.
Is there a way to extend the time?
There is "General Lock Settings" item in "General Settings" page.
What parameters does this item set for Neruon?
I couldn't find the same item in the Cerebrum (application for Neuron).
I'm not familiar with the implementation itself, but this doesn't look to be expected behavior. I'll follow up internally to see if we can create a new version to mitigate this.