Is there or can there be considered an option to allow a 'privileged' user to delete alarms from the Active alarm DB or Historic Alarm DB via the alarm console; so for example, a 'right click' and delete option. I am comparing this with other alarm presentation tooling that I have come across and it seems a commonly used function.
I guess the backend would require deleting a selected alarm from various tables and perform a commit etc. The reason I ask, is that we have a number of sticky alarms which have not received the relevant clear alarm and remain stuck in the Active alarm DB. Whilst this is not a condition conducive to an actual issue within Dataminer itself; it could be considered helpful to an operations team whose responsibility it is to maintain a healthy alarm presentation.
I welcome your comments/suggestions.

Hi.. Thanks for you inputs.. Please mark as resolved
Ken – What you propose is definitely interesting. Maybe you can add this to the feature suggestions (https://community.dataminer.services/feature-suggestions).
For now, I’d advise to use the masking functionality (https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuidepart_2alarmsMasking_and_unmasking_alarms.htm&rhsearch=masking&rhhlterm=masking&rhsyns=)