
Dilip Bharadwaj

"Great information" on Cloud session automatic renewal, 16th June 2024.

"The course was quite valuable and greatly delivered" on Ranorex, 13th June 2024.

"Learned a lot of this training, the queries are owerfull" on DataMiner Dashboards, 12th June 2024.

"Found this foundational course very useful" on Service & Resource Manager: implementing a function, 12th June 2024.

"Great Course and explained tremendously." on DataMiner Connector Integration: SNMP Basics, 12th June 2024.

"Well Structured & very informative for broadcast professionals to elevate their learning exposure." on DataMiner Configurator level 1 & 2, 10th June 2024.

"Great piece of content and very well crafted" on DataMiner Cloud Platform, 10th June 2024.

"Very nice and comprehensive course about Dataminer features and capabilities." on DataMiner Fundamentals, 10th June 2024.

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