
Pedro Sánchez

"Hi Jeroen, Thank you very much for your help. You are totally right;…" on Blank response content when receiving JS object, 10th December 2024.

"Hi Dojo! has anyone had a similar experience? we are still facing the…" on Blank response content when receiving JS object, 14th November 2024.

"Hi José, done!" on Blank response content when receiving JS object, 5th November 2024.

"Hi Marieke, we finally execute the automation every time we need and then…" on Script Condition using DateTime, 5th June 2024.

"Thank you Robin! I've also tried with DMASerialPortInfo but still not working :(" on Error editing element via SOAP API, 19th May 2024.

"Thank you João, Regarding your fist solution... we want to avoid starting the…" on Script Condition using DateTime, 19th March 2024.

"Thank you Robin, I will try with IDmsElement aswell. Kind regards!" on Edit element IP from Automation, 26th January 2024.

"Thanks João! I will try this!" on Edit element IP from Automation, 26th January 2024.

"Thank you João! We know that SLNET calls are not recomended but as…" on Edit element IP from Automation, 24th January 2024.

"Thank you Michaël! we will update that file to try this workarround meanwhile…" on Service’s custom property at alarm console, 23rd December 2022.

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