
"Thanks Brent for the response. How would we set the SkipAsSourceFlag in DataMiner?…" on Any specific experiences that you can share on the use of Anti-Virus programs on DMAs?, 26th March 2021.

"Hi Brent, Could you please advise how setting the “SkipAsSourceFlag” will negatively impact…" on Any specific experiences that you can share on the use of Anti-Virus programs on DMAs?, 25th March 2021.

"Hi Brent, We have a customer that is looking at antivirus software, with…" on Any specific experiences that you can share on the use of Anti-Virus programs on DMAs?, 18th March 2021.

"Thanks Lander. Will test this out." on DataMiner Cube Standalone Launcher for several users, 8th February 2021.

"Hi Michiel and Lander, In our customer's environment we use Citrix published apps…" on DataMiner Cube Standalone Launcher for several users, 4th February 2021.

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