"First couple tries, it seems like these arent out the box types. (IEnumerable<object[]>…" on Use wildcard in element.GetParameter() for table value, 14th November 2024.
"Clients use eventing. And i dont think it was unresponsive as the operator…" on Does an Active Alarm Storm Prevent Automation Scripts from being Executed (via Visio), 31st October 2024.
"Miguel this suggestion would not help my case as it would still mean…" on Pass a value in a grouped shape to the child so that it doesn’t have to be manually typed?, 29th February 2024.
"So this would use the show shape data field not just appending show…" on Use table key in visio for alarm severity shape condition show/hide., 29th February 2024.
"I see, I did manage to get a good solution using SLNET message…" on Multiple set in Automation, 27th March 2025.