"Ah yes, i;ve updated skyline.dataminer.core.dataminersystem.automation to the latest version to see if that…" on Method not found IDms, 4th December 2024.
"Yes they are there: C:Skyline DataMinerProtocolScriptsDllImportskyline.dataminer.core.dataminersystem.common1.1.2.1libnet462Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common.dll C:Skyline DataMinerProtocolScriptsDllImportskyline.dataminer.core.dataminersystem.automation1.1.1.5libnet462Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Automation.dll" on Method not found IDms, 4th December 2024.
"So that means that if i have for instance same source and ID…" on Windows platform connector Event viewer alarming, 18th October 2024.
"Unfortunally it doesn't generate system events. We'll have look into the connectors." on Read log files with under microsoft, 15th October 2024.
"Is there need to figure out if the simulator was running closing this…" on Notices after upgrade, 10th October 2024.
"Can you access the image from the machines you try to see them…" on Link Shape to Bridge Technologies VB330 Probe Thumbnails with Auto-Refresh, 3rd October 2024.
"Could it be the double # in the url/link? It might trip the…" on Link Shape to Bridge Technologies VB330 Probe Thumbnails with Auto-Refresh, 2nd October 2024.
"Checked the location and i;ve only have version with 1.x. etc. So the…" on Nuget (dev.common) issue, 11th September 2024.
"both through an gitlab pipeline which build an dmapp and through dis publish…" on Nuget (dev.common) issue, 11th September 2024.
"Right, I've follow the advice of Arne en Peter: Removed the .Common nuget…" on Method not found IDms, 5th December 2024.