
Masschelein Karl

"Hi, Cube will now support configuring the trend graph update interval via a…" on Can you configure when data updates in Real Time Trending?, 24th February 2022.

"Hi, Thanks for the suggestion Alberto. The client development team has created a…" on Alarm Template & Baseline: Delta Range VS High or Low, 30th November 2021.

"Does your spectrum analyzer driver specify param SPA_PARAM_AUTO_SWEEP (ID 64021) with a valid…" on Spectrum thumbnails with details in Visio, 8th September 2021.

"Hello Jens, Whereas the overview of all protocol function resources is available in…" on SRM – How can I see which Virtual Function Resources are linked to my element, 8th September 2021.

"The permission Bookings:Execute would apply to allowing the user executing scripts from the…" on Security – Execute bookings permission, 14th July 2021.

"Booking scripts functionality was introduced with : [RN19120] SRM: implement visio commands in…" on Security – Execute bookings permission, 13th July 2021.

"Appending on topic 2. As far as protocol updates are concerned, the cube…" on How does Cube Update Center know what protocols can be downloaded, 2nd July 2021.

"Hi Jim, we have been able to prepare a fix for this. The…" on How to filter a table control based on service context, 15th March 2021.

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