
Robbe De Ghein

"Hi Mahito, An example on how to swarm a single element to a…" on Will the Swarming element action be triggered based on a Element failure automatically ?, 3rd February 2025.

"It's in the same place as the search logging (see screenshot above). Its…" on No connection error from Dataminer to Cassandra DB (in separate EC2 instance), 25th October 2024.

"While in this state anyway, you can check the connection to cassandra specifically…" on No connection error from Dataminer to Cassandra DB (in separate EC2 instance), 24th October 2024.

"Indeed it does mention it. I cannot find any details on how it…" on Azure SAML using certificate, 6th August 2024.

"Including the 'https://' part? This is required, but some browsers add this by…" on HTTPS Issue in Postman when using User-Defined API on DMA, 25th July 2024.

"What base URL are you providing to postman? Are you using localhost?" on HTTPS Issue in Postman when using User-Defined API on DMA, 25th July 2024.

"In this case however, it seems like NATS is simply not running, can…" on Failed setting up NATS session, 15th May 2024.

"That depends on whether or not the containers are running on the same…" on OpenSearch running on Dockers, 8th May 2024.

"The output of following call would also be useful: In a browser from…" on OpenSearch running on Dockers, 7th May 2024.

"I believe this is a problem with the network configuration, but it's hard…" on OpenSearch running on Dockers, 7th May 2024.

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