
Julio Riambau

"Hi, I have the same situation. Updated method on the compiled script and…" on Update Automation Script compiled as a Library, 1st September 2023.

"thank you very much Thomas yes it works, just wanted to verify if…" on How to filter DOM objects, 7th July 2023.

"After deleting the dlls and installing the package the issue has not shown…" on Automation Script Error BadImageFormatException, 7th December 2022.

"solved by using https. #https://[DMA IP]/videothumbnails/video.htm?type=GenericImages&source=[image URL]refresh=1000&proxy=true" on Firewall configuration Linking a shape to a video thumbnail using Proxy, 29th November 2022.

"fixed by using the DLL Path attribute on the reference" on Reference SRM from Automation Script, 31st October 2022.

"Hi Emmanuel, Thank you very much for the feedback. I mean how should…" on Reference SRM from Automation Script, 31st October 2022.

"issue was fixed by deleting referenced dlls and reinstalling the package" on Automation Script Error BadImageFormatException, 28th October 2022.

"Hi Jens, It would be on a solution with several drivers, automations and…" on Add Elastic Document, 26th September 2022.

"Thank you very much for your help. also tried using the Connections tag.…" on conditions to display smart serial accepted ip address, 3rd December 2021.

"yes. could you please let me know which is the protocol? that is…" on Smart Serial listening from specific IPs, 1st December 2021.

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